a small rodent peeking out of a hole in the ground

How to Prevent and Remove Gophers from Yards and Gardens


Gophers can wreak havoc on yards and gardens, creating mounds, uprooting plants, and damaging lawns. These burrowing rodents are more than a nuisance—they can undermine the health of your landscape. But don’t worry! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective methods to prevent and remove gophers from your yard, including eco-friendly strategies and professional approaches.

1. Introduction to Gopher Problems in Gardens

Gophers, small burrowing rodents, are notorious for their underground tunnels, which can stretch across yards and cause significant damage. From devouring roots to leaving unsightly mounds, gophers can destroy vegetable patches, lawns, and flower beds if left unchecked. Early detection and action are key to keeping your garden healthy and gopher-free.

Why Gopher Control is Essential

The more time gophers spend in your garden, the more extensive the damage becomes. Gophers can:

  • Uproot entire plants by feeding on their roots.
  • Compromise irrigation systems with tunnels.
  • Weaken the structural integrity of soil, leading to sinkholes.

2. Identifying Gopher Infestations

To control gophers effectively, it’s essential to first recognize the signs of an infestation. Gophers typically leave behind distinctive mounds, which differ from those created by other burrowing animals like moles or voles.

Common Signs of Gopher Activity

  • Fan-shaped mounds: Gophers push dirt out of their tunnels, creating crescent or fan-shaped mounds. These mounds are usually fresh and can be a few inches to a foot high.
  • Chewed Plants: Gophers love to chew on plant roots. If plants seem to die suddenly or get pulled underground, you may have a gopher problem.
  • Underground Tunnels: These can cause soft spots in your yard as the gophers dig, compromising the soil.

3. Understanding Gopher Behavior

To effectively prevent and remove gophers, you must understand their habits and biology. Gophers are solitary creatures and typically occupy about 200 to 2,000 square feet of territory. They are most active during the spring and fall, although they remain active year-round.

Gopher Diet and Attraction

Gophers primarily feed on roots, grass, and bulbs, making lush gardens and landscapes prime targets. Certain types of plants, such as alfalfa, carrots, and potatoes, are particularly appealing to them.

Breeding Patterns

Gophers reproduce once or twice a year, with litters ranging from five to ten pups. A single female can populate a large area over time, making early intervention crucial.

4. Common Gopher Habitats

Gophers thrive in areas with loose, sandy soil, which allows them to easily dig their tunnels. They prefer regions with abundant vegetation, and gardens, lawns, and fields provide ample food sources.

Preferred Soil and Vegetation

  • Soil Types: Gophers are more prevalent in areas with soft, loamy soil, where digging is easier.
  • Vegetation: They target gardens with plenty of grass, shrubs, and root vegetables.

5. DIY Gopher Deterrent Methods

While professional pest control services are available, many homeowners prefer to try DIY deterrent methods first. Several natural solutions can help repel gophers without causing harm to your garden or the environment.

Natural Repellents

  • Castor oil: This is one of the most popular natural repellents. When diluted with water and sprayed over the ground, it makes the soil unpleasant for gophers.
  • Garlic and coffee grounds: Both of these can be used to create barriers around plants, deterring gophers due to their strong scents.

Physical Barriers

Installing wire mesh around the perimeter of your garden or specific plants can effectively keep gophers at bay. This method is particularly useful for vegetable gardens.

Ultrasonic Devices

These devices emit sound waves that irritate gophers, encouraging them to leave the area. However, their effectiveness is often debated, with mixed results reported by users.

6. Gopher Trapping Techniques

Trapping is one of the most effective methods of removing gophers. There are several types of traps available, each designed to humanely capture or kill gophers.

Types of Gopher Traps

  • Box traps: These traps capture gophers alive, allowing for relocation.
  • Pincher-style traps: These are placed inside gopher tunnels and kill the gopher instantly.

Setting Traps Properly

To increase the chances of success, traps should be placed in active tunnels. You’ll need to dig into the tunnels and place the traps inside, covering them with dirt to block out light.

7. Using Poison to Remove Gophers

If trapping or deterrents fail, poison baits can be an effective last resort. It’s essential to use these products safely to avoid harming non-target animals like pets or wildlife.

Types of Gopher Poison

  • Anticoagulants: These poisons work by preventing the gopher’s blood from clotting, leading to death.
  • Strychnine: A more potent poison, strychnine kills gophers quickly but must be used with caution.

8. Gopher Fumigation as a Control Method

Fumigation involves pumping toxic gases into gopher tunnels to eliminate them. This method is often used when there is a severe infestation or other methods have failed.

When to Consider Fumigation

Fumigation is highly effective but should be considered a last resort due to its potential impact on the environment and other wildlife.

9. Encouraging Natural Gopher Predators

A natural and eco-friendly way to control gopher populations is by encouraging their natural predators to frequent your yard.

Predators that Help Control Gophers

  • Owls: Installing owl boxes can attract these natural hunters to your yard.
  • Snakes: Non-venomous snakes, like gopher snakes, are excellent at reducing gopher numbers.
  • Dogs and Cats: Certain breeds of dogs, particularly terriers, are effective at hunting gophers.

10. Gopher-Proof Garden Design

If you are planning a new garden or want to overhaul your existing one, there are design strategies that can make your yard less attractive to gophers.

Raised Beds and Barriers

Using raised beds with wire mesh at the base can prevent gophers from accessing plant roots. Additionally, installing underground barriers around the perimeter of your garden will stop gophers from entering.

11. Professional Gopher Control Services

In cases of severe infestations, calling a professional may be the best course of action. Professional pest control services have access to more potent solutions and the expertise needed to effectively eliminate gophers.

When to Call a Professional

  • When multiple DIY methods have failed.
  • For large-scale infestations that are too overwhelming to manage alone.
  • If you are concerned about the safety of using poisons or traps.

12. Preventative Measures to Keep Gophers Away

After successfully removing gophers from your yard, it’s important to take measures to prevent them from returning.

Maintaining Physical Barriers

Regularly inspect and maintain any physical barriers, such as wire mesh or fencing, to ensure gophers cannot re-enter your garden.

Regular Yard Inspections

Periodic inspections of your yard will help you catch any new gopher activity early before it becomes a major problem.

13. Eco-Friendly and Organic Gopher Control

Eco-friendly solutions are gaining popularity as more people seek sustainable methods to deal with pests. Organic controls reduce the impact on the environment while keeping your garden gopher-free.

Organic Deterrents

  • Castor oil-based repellents: These are commercially available and certified organic.
  • Essential oils: Peppermint and eucalyptus oils can be used to repel gophers naturally.

14. Gopher Control Myths and Facts

There are many myths surrounding gopher control, some of which may lead homeowners to ineffective solutions.

Common Myths

  • Myth: Flooding a gopher’s tunnel will drive them out.
  • Fact: While flooding may disrupt gopher activity temporarily, it is not an effective long-term solution.

15. Dealing with Large Gopher Infestations

Severe gopher infestations require a coordinated, multi-faceted approach.

Coordinating with Neighbors

If you and your neighbors share a problem with gophers, it’s important to work together to manage the population, as gophers can easily move between properties.

16. Long-Term Gopher Prevention Strategy

The best approach to gopher control is a comprehensive, long-term strategy that combines several methods. Regular monitoring, maintaining barriers, and encouraging natural predators are key components of this approach.

FAQs on Gopher Control

1. What is the best way to get rid of gophers?

The most effective methods include trapping and using natural repellents like castor oil. For large infestations, professional services may be needed.

2. Are gopher poisons safe for pets?

Some gopher poisons can be harmful to pets. Always read the labels and take precautions, such as using bait stations to prevent accidental ingestion.

3. How do I prevent gophers from coming back?

Prevent gophers by installing barriers, maintaining a clean yard, and using repellents. Encouraging predators like owls can also help.

4. Do ultrasonic devices work for gophers?

The effectiveness of ultrasonic devices varies, with some homeowners reporting success and others finding them ineffective.

5. Can I flood gopher tunnels?

Flooding tunnels is not a reliable method of gopher removal. It may cause temporary disruption, but gophers often return.

6. When should I call a professional?

Call a professional if your infestation is severe, or if DIY methods have failed to produce results.