This is Why Chat GPT 5 Will Change The World (CHAT GPT 5)


know, AGI stands for artificial general intelligence, which is the ability of a machine to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can. Now, the claim that GPT-5 will achieve AGI is quite ambitious, and it remains to be seen if it will be able to achieve it by December.

However, there is no doubt that GPT-5 will bring about some significant changes in the world of AI and natural language processing. With the integration of video and image modalities, GPT-5 will be able to analyze and understand visual data in a way that was previously not possible. This will lead to many new applications, such as video captioning and object recognition, which could have profound implications for fields such as healthcare, education, and entertainment.


Furthermore, the integration of robots and other physical devices into the AI ecosystem will enable GPT-5 to interact with the physical world in ways that were previously unimaginable. For instance, GPT-5 could be used to control drones or autonomous vehicles, or to assist in disaster response efforts by analyzing visual data in real-time.


Overall, the rise of GPT-5 and the continued development of AI technology is sure to bring about many exciting changes in the years to come. While it remains to be seen how quickly these changes will occur, one thing is certain - the impact of AI on our society and our daily lives will only continue to grow.

5 Commentaires

  1. I think one of the main tipping points toward the singularity is where AI, AGI or not, is able to improve on its own progamming. With GPT 3 and 4, we're kind of already there. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that GPT 4 is being used to help write the code for GPT 5. Once that feature ability is stable and reliable and set into a feedback loop, it becomes a snowball effect.

  2. GPT4 is good enough to provide highly detailed and viable answers, so if you were to make AGI and are stuck on a problem then GPT4 can help you solve that problem, thus reducing the development time for GPT5. This will only increase from now, i wont be surprised if they have GPT5 ready by september


  3. I have made around 20 working text-based adventure games using GPT-4. They're all played on gpt. They can all branch off anywhere based on your decisions and dice rolls insure my rules are carried out. To get it just right took me about a week. And then last night I pulled the relevant data I needed out of my prompt to create hundreds. So it went from one yesterday to around 20. I'm proud of myself. I'm not saying I did anything groundbreaking. But there's a start game screen there's a game over and it's all in chat GPT. I couldn't be happier


  4. AI is a very invasive technology and we can already the change that it's bringing. Even artists are concerned about their careers against image generator AIs like Bluewillow replacing them. The progression of AIs are really rapidly increasing and is alsso causing concerns as we are unable to keep up in terms of regulations hence the recent "open letter".

  5. When I heard about Chat GPT I was skeptical. Not the first time I heard about some new bullshit AI system promising the world. When GPT4 released I reluctantly tried Bing. Now, I am in complete shock. I didn’t think we’d have AGI for at least 30 years. Now I’m advocating to skeptical friends that this thing is already borderline AGI.

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